Trapcode 教程介绍
红巨人的 Trapcode 粒子套装插件在AE制作中占有重要地位,出色的插件能制作出很多高级的效果,
Trapcode 3D Stroke 2.6 (3D描边插件)
Trapcode Form 2.0.4 (空间粒子插件)
Trapcode Lux 1.2 (聚光灯插件)
Trapcode Mir 1.0 (三维图形插件)
Trapcode Particular 2.2 (超炫粒子插件)
Trapcode Shine (放射光线插件)
Trapcode Starglow 1.6 (星光插件)
Learn to use Trapcode Suite by Red Giant with this course by veteran film director Christopher Kenworthy. Trapcode Suite lets you create streams of particles, beams of light and complex 3D effects for Adobe After Effects. The plugins are quite simple to use, but it takes some inside knowledge to get the most out of them. This course will put you on the fast-track to Trapcode expertise, with practical examples to help you get hands-on.
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