Digital Tutors(数字导师)出品的一套AE教程合集: Introduction to After Effects for Compositors
教程名字: Introduction to After Effects for Compositors-AE进阶合集教程
软件使用:After Effects CC,
插件使用:Red Giant’s Knoll Light Factory (外置插件须自行安装)
1. Introduction and project overview 教程介绍和概述
2. Navigating the interface 软件节目介绍
3. Importing assets to the Project Panel 项目的建立和导入
4. Working with image sequences versus compressed footage 图像序列的介绍
5. Creating your first composition 合成的创建
6. Adding layers to the timeline and previewing them 图层的介绍
7. Pass compositing 合成设置
8. Setting keyframes and adding effects 添加关键帧动画
9. Creating precompositions 创建预合成
10. Organizing the Project panel 项目的组建
11. Tracking images 图像的跟踪
12. Applying tracking data and parenting 应用跟踪数据
13. Creating a mask 创建遮罩
14. Using an alpha pass 使用阿尔法透明遮罩
15. Difference matting and garbage masking 抠像的讲解
16. Speed masking 快速操作遮罩
17. Blending modes and collapse transformations 图层模式
18. Tracking for parallax 视频跟踪
19. Finishing tracking and applying data for parallax 跟踪操作
20. Color correction 色彩校正
21. Adding reflections 添加倒影
22. Rotoscoping the reflections 倒影对位
23. Troubleshooting with the Project panel 合成错误解决
24. Secondary track for a lens flare 创建镜头光晕
25. Applying a lens flare with After Effects Lens Flare Effect 添加AE的光晕特效
26. Applying a lens flare 使用光晕特效
27. Creating heat distortion with the Liquify effect 液化效果的制作
28. Faking depth of field 场景景深操作
29. Overall depth of field and motion blur 场景的运动模糊
30. Shot color correction 操作色彩校正
31. Filter-flare ghosting, vignettes, astigmatism, and chromatic aberration 调色操作
32. Rendering out an image sequence 渲染图像序列
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