Avid Media Composer 8 Essential Training

Avid Media Composer 8 Essential Training教程介绍

提到非编视频软件大家相对比较熟悉的就是edius或者premiere等软件,其实Avid Media Composer 也是一款比较流行非编视频软件。

Media Composer是一款专业电影与视频编辑工具。 无论是编辑电影、电视节目、广告或是其他视频,此业界标准非线性编辑器均可提供 64 位高性能、易于使用的视频编辑工具、简化 HD 及基于文件的三维立体工作流程。 其开放的平台可让您充分利用现有的设备,并且融入到您的工作流程中去。 而且,它能消除瓶颈,有效提升您的工作效率。

Media Composer 是电影和视频专业剪辑最广泛使用的 NLE(非线性编辑)。 借助 Media Composer 7,不但可以加快高分辨率、高清工作流程的速度,自动化媒体管理,获得 Interplay Sphere Mac 支持,还可以随时随地扩展实时制作。 畅享体验业内速度最快的基于文件的媒体工作流、ACE 认证工具以及最受信任的媒体管理。

与其他剪辑系统相比,可以更快速度、更多方式剪辑电影、视频和基于文件的镜头。 在 Media Composer 中使用设定行业标准的工具,在 Symphony 中加入高级色彩修正和母带制作工具,在 NewsCutter 中使用专业的新闻制作工具。

这套教程是由  Lynda 机构出品。是一套完整的AIVD8学习教程,将到了音视频素材的管理,编辑,优化和渲染,


Avid Media Composer 8 Essential Training is a start-to-finish project-based course designed to get you up to speed on every aspect of Avid Media Composer. Staff author Ashley Kennedy begins with a fast-track chapter that breaks down the entire editing process into eight steps.great as an overview for new editors, and a good crash course in Media Composer for editors migrating from other platforms. She then focuses on getting you comfortable with each stage of the editing process.from preparation and organization to editing and refining, to audio and effects, to media management and output. Each post-production technique is explained thoroughly and concisely, using real-world examples from a documentary-style promo project. Dive in and learn how to take your projects from concept to creation



Topics include:
* Setting up the editing environment
* Importing media
* Building a rough cut with basic editing and trimming techniques
* Navigation and customization techniques
* Editing audio
* Adding effects
* Multicam editing
* Performing color correction
* Creating titles with Avid Marquee and NewBlue Titler Pro
* Managing media
* Exporting your project
* Troubleshooting in Avid Media Composer

Author: Ashley Kennedy
Subject: Video, Video Editing
Software: Media Composer 8
Level: Beginner
Duration: 9h 40m
Released: Sep 17, 2014

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