Houdini灯光渲染教程|FXPHD – HOU208: Mastering Lighting and Rendering


将你的FX能力提升到下一个水平的最佳方法之一是掌握Mantra Houdini的渲染引擎和业界最好的渲染解决方案之一。熟悉Mantra可以让你呈现电影中对胡迪尼艺术家最难的效果,也可以使用灯光语言,将你的效果和镜头与最终合成无缝地结合起来。

本课程将指导学生在探索胡迪尼相机和照明的过程中完成渲染的基础知识。接下来将探讨三个以FX为中心的外观开发任务,为渲染打下坚实的基础。这些例子将模拟在职FX lookdev,这将传授剖析外观的经验,并提供一些工作室准备好的FX解决方案。它们将增加复杂性,涵盖所有照明渲染和合成场景。

Andrew Lowell是Houdini FX艺术家,曾在多个国家和工作室拍摄过多部电影。他是一名永久的通才,他的背景包括音乐、混合合成和视频编辑,以及vfx业务中的所有通才技能;总是承担生产中最难和最奇怪的FX任务。他还是一位经验丰富的胡迪尼教育家和作家,并开发了许多不同的方法,以有效地向学生和专业人士教授胡迪尼。

class syllabus


Class 1: Mantra basics. This class will go through some of the basics. Software basics such as how to set up cameras lights and renders within Houdini will be covered as well as workflow and aesthetic basics such as the needs for various shots and working methods and when to make the call as a Houdini FX artist to render your own elements.
Class 2: All about motion blur and cameras. Here motion blur will be covered in depth. Motion blur is one of the most sensitive issues of a rendering workflow. It has to be both correct and unnoticeable; sometimes even tricked. Here we go through various motion blur practices gathered from different production and technical scenarios.
Class 3: Lighting in FX. Lighting is the key to any good looking element and render. This class explores lighting types shadow types and the various applications and techniques to use them.
Class 4: Project 1 Sparks. Having great looking sparks can complement any destruction task. Here we construct a spark system similar to the one made in Transformers 3. This will address issues such as how to render in-scene motion blur and particle rendering.
Class 5: Project 1 Sparks Continued. This class produces the rendered results of our spark system from the previous class as well as dives into final compositing and rendering FX interaction lighting passes.
Class 6: Project 2 Dust and Smoke rendering. Rendering dust is one of the most common tasks a Houdini FX artist will undertake. Here we work on constructing a simple dust shader and rgb lighting as well as passing aov (arbitrary output variables) layers to compositing.
Class 7: Project 2 Dust and Smoke Rendering continued. This class produces the final dust renders and explore Mantras delayed load and point instancing functionality which can drastically improve any rendering tasks efficiency.
Class 8: Project 3 Magical Effects and Compositing Integration part 1. This three part project involves ground-up look development of a tesla coil. Often Houdini artists are tasked with creating effects such as lighting magical beams or various other kinds of abstract look development which blur the lines between the various elements of geometry animation lighting rendering and compositing. We explore how to approach and set up these tasks in an organized way and start on the geometry and animation components.
Class 9: Project 3 Magical Effects and Compositing Integration part 2. Here the class explores rendering techniques and passing various geometry attributes to final renders and compositing.
Class 10: Project 3 Magical Effects and Compositing Integration part 3. We go through final deep compositing integration as well as various specialty lighting techniques such as geometry lighting to match our look both in 3D and in Compositing.












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