Blender基础入门全面学习教程|Switching to Blender for Experienced Artists
Blender基础入门全面学习教程|Switching to Blender for Experienced Artists

In Switching to Blender for Experienced Artists, you’ll be able to take the leap and finally switch to Blender! We’re getting straight to the point, teaching you exactly what you need to make the switch to Blender. We cover everything from learning the UI and navigation to using the modeling tools, shading and texturing, sculpting, retopology and rendering with cycles and much more!

涵盖了从学习UI界面和导航到使用建模工具、着色和纹理、雕刻、重新拓扑和循环渲染等所有内容!将介绍如何解决许多 Blender 的怪癖以及如何接受 Blender 的工作方式。将带您了解所有奇怪的东西,例如导航、使用相机以及如何有效地使用 Blender。

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