Slice it Up

After Effects After Effects教程

Rendertom Slice It Up v1.2.2 | C4D 碎片切割插件+教程

Rendertom Slice It Up 插件是C4D的切割插件, 可自定义切割设定数量,重复切割样条线N次,并应用随机宽度样条遮罩 还可控制碎片的位置,旋转角度,遮罩,选装等属性 插件完美支持  C4D R17,内含使用视频教程 Slice it Up is Python driven Cinema 4D plugin that cuts closed splines into any number of vertically aligned slices by duplicating it N times and applying random width spline...
Adobe专区 After Effects

Slice it Up v1.0 (Aescripts) +教程|AE随机切片MG动画脚本

Slice it Up脚本介绍 输入任意切片数量,脚本就可以快速为你的图层添加位置、旋转等可控制参数。  工作流程很简单:选择一个您希望的切片图层,输入所需的值,检查/取消两个复选框,选择容器模式和冲击片。 Slice it Up slices your footage into any number of slices and gives you full control over its position and rotation with the ability to re-randomise existing data. Workflow is straight forward: select a layer...