
Adobe教程专区 After Effects教程

Lynda-3D Typography|AE多种方法制作3D文字教程

3D Typography教程介绍 AE虽然一款特效合成软件,在真实3D模型方面可能不是太强, 这期教程就讲解了多种方法在AE中制作3D真实文字,有自带插件完成,也有外置第三方插件完成, 比如 ray-traced 3D,c4d lite,mette shape shifter,element 3D等制作3D文字,不但讲解了制作方法,而且还比较了各个方法制作的优缺点, 教程为高清视频教程,英语对白(无中文字幕)   There are many options for creating 3D text in After Effects, including After Effects’ own ray-traced 3D feature, third-party plugins, scripts, and now CINEMA 4D Lite. But...
Adobe教程专区 After Effects教程

Digital Tutors-Integrating Titles and Graphics into Footage in After Effects|AE实景跟踪合成3D文字教程

Integrating Titles and Graphics into Footage教程介绍 AE教程:实景跟踪合成3D文字 在这期教程中,我们将利用 AE 的3D跟踪技术 , 用3D camera tracker 插件去完成实景画面的三维跟踪。 还分析讲解了一些不利用跟踪的画面,是如何处理已达到更好的跟踪效果, 教程中通过几个不同的实例来讲解用实景拍摄的画面是如何跟踪合成字幕。   In this series of tutorials, we’ll talk about some different ways to integrate titles and graphics into moving footage. We will start...