After Effects教程

After Effects教程

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Adobe教程专区 Blender

Garment Tool v1.23 + 使用教程|Blender服装布料模拟制作插件

Garment Tool v1.23 + 使用教程|Blender服装布料模拟制作插件 Garment Tool is Blender addon designed to simplify process of making simulation ready cloth meshes inside Blender. Clot meshes are generated from 2d Bezier curves, sewed together and then triangulated into mesh object. Garment Tool是Blender的附加组件,旨在简化在Blender中制作仿真就绪的布料网格的过程。块状网格由2d Bezier曲线生成,缝合在一起,然后三角剖分成网格对象。...
Adobe教程专区 Blender

True Terrain v3.14 + 视频教程|Blender-三维自然地形地貌生成工具插件

插件True Terrain可以快速创建地形,且所有的材质,树木和岩石全部来自插件。只需按一下按钮,即可创建逼真地形!插件具有完全定制的UI界面,它将带您从创建地形网格物体到从添加地形到最终渲染的所有过程!   True Terrain is an addon attempting to be a one-stop-shop for all Terrain creation inside of Blender. The image above was created using ONLY True-Terrain, that’s right, all the materials, Trees, and Rocks all from one addon!...
Blender 插件中心

Quick Shape v3.5 + 使用教程|Blender快速图形三维建模插件

使用Quick Shape插件,您将能够立即以3D形式绘制形状,希望它能使3D建模再次变得有趣!能够做到分割,锥化或拉伸几何体;先进的工作平面对齐功能,因此您可以从任何方向进行绘制。 I`m so happy to share with you a Blender add-on that Aleksandr Kilimnik and I have been working on for over a year.We poured our souls into it and hopefully it will make 3D modelling fun again!With QuickShape...
Blender 插件中心

Quick Shape v2.3|Blender快速图形三维建模插件 + 使用教程

使用Quick Shape插件,您将能够立即以3D形式绘制形状,希望它能使3D建模再次变得有趣!能够做到分割,锥化或拉伸几何体;先进的工作平面对齐功能,因此您可以从任何方向进行绘制。 I`m so happy to share with you a Blender add-on that Aleksandr Kilimnik and I have been working on for over a year.We poured our souls into it and hopefully it will make 3D modelling fun again!With QuickShape...
Blender 插件中心

Quick Shape v1.0|Blender快速图形三维建模插件 + 使用教程

使用Quick Shape插件,您将能够立即以3D形式绘制形状,希望它能使3D建模再次变得有趣!能够做到分割,锥化或拉伸几何体;先进的工作平面对齐功能,因此您可以从任何方向进行绘制。 I`m so happy to share with you a Blender add-on that Aleksandr Kilimnik and I have been working on for over a year.We poured our souls into it and hopefully it will make 3D modelling fun again!With QuickShape...